Battery course

Introduction to Lithium-ion Batteries: From fundamentals to state estimation

České vysoké učení technické v Praze, B&ESS-ČVUT, ve spolupráci s Aalborg University v Dánsku vás zve na kurz Úvod do lithium-iontových baterií: Od základů k odhadu stavů.

Tento třídenní kurz poskytuje přehled o lithium-iontových bateriích. Seznámí vás s jejich základy a aplikacemi. Účastníci se seznámí s testováním lithium-iontových baterií, jejich výkonem a degradačním chováním a také s jejich modelováním. Poslední den se zaměří na aspekty odhadu stavu baterie, což je velmi žádaná funkce nejmodernějších systémů řízení baterií. Jazykem kurzu je angličtina. Kurz je zdarma a plně obsazen.

Nepřehlédněte 20.4.2023 také Battery day!

Czech Technical University in Prague, B&ESS-CTU, in cooperation with Aalborg University in Denmark, invites you to the course Introduction to Lithium-ion Batteries: From fundamentals to state estimation.

This three-day course provides an overview of Lithium-ion batteries. It will go through their fundamentals and applications. The participants will learn about Lithium-ion battery testing, performance and degradation behaviour, as well as about their modelling. The last day will focus on aspects of state-of-health estimation, which is a highly desired functionality of state-of-the-art battery management systems. The course language is English. The course is free, and fully booked.

Don’t miss the chance to participate on 20.4.2023 our Battery day!

Datum / Date:

  • 17.-19. 4. 2023

Místo / Location:

  • CTU in Prague – FEE, Technická 2, Dejvice, Prague 6, room: T2:C4-80

Rozvrh / Content and schedule:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
9.00 – 10.30 Lecture 1. Energy Storage Technologies Lecture 5. Lithium-Ion Battery Testing 1 Lecture 9. Battery Lifetime Modelling
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 12.30 Lecture 2. Lithium-Ion Battery Fundamentals Lecture 6. Lithium-Ion Battery Testing 2 Lecture 10. Battery SOH Estimation – Introduction
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 – 14.30 Lecture 3. Lithium-Ion Battery – Applications Lecture 7. Lithium-Ion Battery Performance Modelling Lecture 11. Battery SOH Estimation – Model Development based on Features
14.30 – 15.00 Coffee Break
15.00 – 16.00 Lecture 4. Lithium-Ion Battery – Performance Behavior Lecture 8. Aging Phenomena and Degradation Behavior Lecture 12. Battery SOH Estimation – Model Verification
16.00 – 16.15 Recap and Discussion
Daniel-Ioan Stroe (AAU, Denmark) Søren Byg Vilsen (AAU, Denmark) Václav Knap (CTU, Czechia)

Course lecturers:

Daniel-Ioan Stroe

Associate Professor with AAU Energy, where he leads the Batteries Research Group, and the Battery Systems Testing Laboratory. He has co-authored over 150 journals and conference papers in various battery-related topics. His current research interests include the area of energy storage systems for grid and e-mobility, Lithium-based batteries testing, modelling, and diagnostics and their lifetime estimation.

Søren Byg Vilsen

Assistant Professor with the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, working closely with the Batteries Research Group, AAU Energy. His current research interests include statistical learning, evolutionary computation, deep learning, and sequential models with application to Lithium-based battery state estimation and lifetime prediction.

Václav Knap

Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrotechnology, CTU in Prague, where he leads the Battery & Energy Storage Systems research group. In his previous projects, he was looking into stationary battery energy storages for ancillary grid services, he tackled the challenges of the use of Lithium-Sulfur batteries in practical applications, and he focused on state estimation and battery lifetime prediction in CubeSats. His current research interests are in the area of Lithium-based batteries, including testing, modelling, lifetime estimation, and diagnostics with applications in energy storage systems for grid, e-mobility, and aerospace.

Naši sponzoři/Our Sponsors


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ČVUT v Praze je členem Českého bateriového klastru a partnerem asociace AKUBAT./CTU in Prague is a member of the Czech Battery Cluster and partner of AKU-BAT association.