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 Surge-Current capability of IGBTs with different voltage class IGBTs

Authors & Affiliations

Madhu Lakshman Mysore1, Mohamed Alaluss1, Felix Fraas1, Josef Lutz1, Thomas Basler1, Roman Baburske2, Franz-Josef Niedernostheide2 and Hans-Joachim Schulze2
1) Chemnitz University of Technology
Chair of Power Electronics

2) Infineon Technologies AG



In this work, the surge-current capability of 650 V, 1200 V, and 1700 V IGBTs has been investigated. This stress condition is important for the active short-circuit of motor loads. For all measurement conditions, the destruction of the devices is not determined by the onset of intrinsic conductivity. Instead, the failure signature indicates a temperature-driven destruction mechanism. For the applied gateemitter voltages, the 650 V IGBTs show the highest surge-current density withstand capability in comparison to 1200 V and 1700 V IGBTs due to their higher saturation current density. The surgecurrent capability of 1200 V and 1700 V IGBTs is not influenced by the amount of emitter bond wires even at a gate-emitter voltage of 25 V, whereas it is reduced for 650 V IGBTs with a reduced number of bond wires.


IGBT, surge-current, surge-current capability, robustness, bond wire, Al metallization.

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