
On the Department of Electrotechnology, we focus on technological processes and materials used during electronic production. We solve various commercial manufacturing issues and do high-quality diagnostics. Further, we focus on quality management, the environmental impact of various manufacturing technologies, ecological materials and material recycling.

We are also dealing with renewable technologies, especially photovoltaics and the diagnostics of cells and modules. Among many other activities, it is worth mentioning the diagnostics of printed circuit boards and active/passive power components and the use of climatic chambers to estimate the lifetime of electrical products.

The department has several high-quality laboratories; special attention is paid to the accredited laboratory for photovoltaic systems, microscopy laboratory and laboratory for climatic tests.

The department provides bachelor and master programs in the Electrical Engineering, Economics and Management program and guarantees the master’s degree in Technological Systems branch. In the doctoral study stage, the department provides the Electrotechnology and Materials program.

The students will learn about several areas, including:

  • solar and power semiconductor systems including their electromagnetic compatibility,
  • electrochemical sources and their applications,
  • production of electronic components/electronic equipment and their diagnostics,
  • ecological aspects in industry and various technological processes,
  • measurement and control in electronic engineering,
  • modelling and simulation of production processes,
  • quality and reliability in electronic production.

The department emphasises both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, which is why there are several modern equipped laboratories and classrooms designed not only for student’s graduation theses and projects but also for practical teaching of students. Our graduates are prepared to work in production companies, in production automation, in designing, supplier organisations, in organisations focused on environmental issues and in many others areas. If the graduate chooses a scientific career, he/she can continue his/her studies in the doctoral program Electrotechnology and Materials.
